SUH3 Run #1526
Wednesday, 13 December 2023, 18:30 CET
: Hornstull
: OverdriveOverdriveOverdrive & Pants On FirePants on FirePants on Fire (PHNwYW4gZGF0YS1jb250cm9sbGVyPSJvYmZ1c2MiPlBHRWdhSEpsWmowaWJXRnBiSFJ2T21wdGFXeHNaWEl1WlcxaGFXeEFaMjFoYVd3dVkyOXRJajVxYldsc2JHVnlMbVZ0WVdsc1FHZHRZV2xzTG1OdmJUd3ZZVDQ9PC9zcGFuPg==)
: -4 °C, partially cloudy, light breeze.
: 20 kr
: Lion Bar, Hornsgatan 154

From Hornstull T on Långholmsgatan, walk up Hornsgatan 100m to the On-Inn on your left.

Or from Hornstull T on Hornsbruksgatan (by the park), walk 20m along Lignagatan and turn left.

Note, this is a new Lion Bar (cheap) - it used to be a Bishops Arms (expensive).


Order and pay for food before the run for a cheaper price.

Last updated 3 months ago.